#These instructions are slightly edited from: http://hab.yapd.net/setup.html to match my video #some commands may not be here/be in the wrong order, so if you spot them, please let me know! :) # lines starting with a # do not need to be run, they are comments yum install -y http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm yum groupinstall -y Development yum install -y cmake glib2-devel python-demjson.noarch numpy python-devel python-pip # Changed to use pip rather than easy_install # yum install -y python-setuptools #easy_install pydap pip-python install Pydap==3.0.1 cd /opt git clone https://github.com/cuspaceflight/cusf-landing-prediction cd cusf-landing-prediction cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" make mkdir web/hourly-predictions/logs mkdir web/hourly-predictions/new mkdir web/hourly-predictions/data mkdir /opt/landing-prediction-data/ mkdir /opt/landing-prediction-data/gfs mkdir /opt/landing-prediction-data/logs # Update lat and long in the following locations (Default is for CUSF) # Launch site vi web/hourly-predictions/scenario-template.json # GFS data grabbing(Default will be ok for UK) vi scripts/grabdata-cronjob.sh # ${GETDATA} --lat=52 --lon=0 --latdelta=10 --londelta=10 -v -f 180 2>${LOGFILE} ./scripts/grabdata-cronjob.sh ./scripts/hourly-predictions-cronjob.sh # Cron Script echo "0 */3 * * * root cd /opt/cusf-landing-prediction && ./scripts/fetch-run-cronjob.sh" > /etc/cron.d/hab # install apache yum install httpd cd /etc/httpd/conf gedit httpd.conf # Setup apache to use /opt/cusf-landing-prediction/web as as web root and in the predict/includes/config.inc.php mkdir predict/preds chown apache predict/preds gfs ln -s /opt/cusf-standalone-predictor /var/www/cusf-standalone-predictor # pip-python install statsd pip-python install simplejson pip-python install statsd-client # additional to remove statsd # pip-python uninstall statsd # pip-python install --upgrade statsd-client # Add Favourite sites to predict/sites.json # SeLinux Setup # Apache setup # Other bits # git clone https://github.com/ukhas/habitat # #setup httpd as service chkconfig --level 235 httpd on service httpd start Disable X Windows System Under Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux Open /etc/inittab file, enter: vi /etc/inittab Find the line that read as follows: id:5:initdefault: Change it as follows: "id:3:initdefault:" Save and close the file. Reboot system to test new changes: reboot Run level 5 is used to boot into X Windows (Gnome or KDE GUI managers). Run level 3 is for text (console) based login.