This is the second version of my Ublox6 NTX2 ATMega328 tracker.
It is built around the TinyGPS library and reports back its GPS Time, Coordinates, Battery voltage and Temperature over a 434.65Mhz RTTY radio link.
Tracker Specification:
Chip: Atmel ATMega328P-PU
Chip bootloader: Arduino
PCB Design: ExpressPCB
PCB Etching: Toner Transfer
Voltage Measurement: Voltage divider and 1.1v internal analog reference
5V Regulator: TS2950CT low drop out regulator
Transmission mode: RTTY, 50 Baud, 425mhz shift, 7-bit ASCII, no parity with 2 stop bits on 434.650MHZ
Antenna: 1/4 wave with 4 radials
Battery: 4x Energizer Lithium AA cells
Radio Module: Radiometrix NTX2 (From HabSupplies)
GPS Module: Ublox 6 (From HabSupplies)
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